Friday, 12 September 2008

Meeting in Brolo

These are the final dates for the meeting in Brolo:

September 29 to October 3.

Sunday, 7 September 2008

CATRi - calendar

Here's the CATRi calendar. Not to add any stress to our lives. Just to keep in mind... :)

CATRi - The two year Strategy... Wellcome!

Here's the complete partnership summary. Let's start! :)
A wandering look over the European cities makes us aware of the river within. There's a wealthy relation going on between the two elements, not always peaceful, not always in harmony, but perpetual and long lasting.
This project shall be that "close look" and will show the pupils how to understand the historic, political, social and cultural elements that determined the birth and development of the European capitals. The partners will decide if the city to work on each country will be the city capital or some other city with a much more relevant relation with a river.
The 27 capitals of the European Union will be distributed between the partner schools (no more than 3 for each school), and the pupils will work in research activities, selection and analysis/organization of all information available developing the common European skills agreed by the partners, representing for all the subjects in school and life. If the partnership will get final approval, Ankara or a Turkish city, though not a EC capital, will appear as the 28th city.
By studying the relation that cities have had during the past centuries with their rivers, working on several different perspectives (geography, history, economy or culture), pupils will produce and direct a documentary movie for each capital.
Using the knowledge gathered during almost one year, the pupils will work afterwards on an emancipation project: they must develop projects involving their schools and all European capitals about which they already worked and produced a movie.