Friday, 1 June 2012
Monday, 23 August 2010
Evaluation from Belgium

Dear partners,
The CATRi-project was a really rewarding project: the product as well as the process. During the previous 2 school years we have come across many interesting people, we have learned a lot and we have come to know and understand our European neighbours much better.
According to us the project was a smashing succes, not only nationally, so in our own school because all students had to get along while working together efficiently, but also internationally. Students out of different countries had to network and make contact with one another. In the beginning this was more difficult, but gradually it became easier. This resulted in a group of young European people happily chit chatting with one another and having fun. That is why we can agree that the ultimate Comenius goal has been attained.
The final seminar was the ice on the cake. Not only could we watch the different films of every country, we also got to know lots of interesting facts about all aspects of the river given to us by the different guest speakers.
We would like to thank all the members of the CATRi-team, teachers as well as students, for the nice cooperation. And most of all we may not forget to say our thanks to the coordinator Portugal. You did a great job to make sure that everything went smoothly. Thank you all and we are sure, that we meet some of you again!
Many greetings from the rainy Belgium
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Monday, 21 June 2010
Portugal :)
Monday, 24 May 2010
Thursday, 20 May 2010
News from Lithuania
Here is a hint to what you may expect from our film.
Alma, Aukse, Edita
Monday, 19 April 2010
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Monday, 29 March 2010
My name is Embrechts Elien, I’m 18 years old, and I’m in de 6th year of vocational training office works & administration.
I joined the City And The River project. I’ll join you all in Lissbon!
The filming of our movie was great, now we are editing the scenes we ‘re having a lot of fun!
I hope we’ll succeed in making a great movie and that it will be our movie that will be shown in Lissbon.
Because all students of our school will choose the best Belgian movie and only this movie will come to Lissbon. In total the Belgian students make 16 movies, and only one will come with us to Lissbon.
Please keep your fingers crossed from me.
I wish you all the best!
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Sunday, 7 March 2010
More news from Belgium
At the beginning it was very difficult to write the story, but finally we did it well. Tommorow we are going to film the movie. I think it will be a funny day! I hope we will be ready with everything. Until now I've worked a lot for the project. I find it a good project now. I hope that our movie is going to be selected to go to Lissabon. Than I can present my own movie. I'm very happy that I have been chosen to come to Lissabon. All candidates had to make something special and than the teachers have chosen the best work. Sometimes it is a little bit too much work, but we learn a lot. I hope that we will see beautiful movies in Lissabon. Good luck with your movies!!
Greetz Domnique
News from Belgium
But enough about me, now I'm going to talk about how our group (Louis, Geoffrey, Dominique, Laurens and I) worked on the CATRi-project.
Step 1 ~Making a film script
First we decided which genre of film we would make. We decided on a comedy. After that we had to figure out a title. That was pretty hard because we didn't have a theme for our movie. After we chose the title we started brainstorming about what could happen in the film and what do you think of when you hear the title. At home we all tried to make the pitchline and the structure so that we could make a definite version in class. Than Dominique and I had to write down the pitchline in class and Louis and Geoffrey made the structure. In the structure were three steps they had to follow: first was the set-up of the problem, second was 'trying to solve the problem and the third step was solving the problem. Laurens couldn't help in making the script because he changed groups and became a member of our group when we started filming. After that we made a synopsis with the things they wrote down in the structure. And at home I wrote it down on the computer in a text. The last thing was the scenario. We wrote this with the whole group when we had a free class. Than Geoffrey took it home to finish it.
Step 2 ~ Filming
We first had a workshop to let us see how we had to film and the different types of perspectives. There was a testing film to practise those kinds of perpectives. It was pretty funny to see how we acted x).
Then the day came when we had to film. First I'll tell you who plays who: Geoffrey was a dead guy. Louis was an old man. Dominique was an old fisherman. laurens was the cameraman and I was a cop.
I'll tell you about the funny things that happened while filming. Geoffrey had to jump in the freezing water but instead he accidentally slipped and fell in it. Then Dominique was fishing and he pulled out the fishing-line and there hung a really big piece of ice on his fishing-line. Louis had to fall and he did but his glasses broke. I had to chase after the two old men and almost fell in the water.
Step 3 ~Editing work
At school we received a course on how to mount a film, so after the Holidays we'll start editing our film.
The end!
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
We have created script and we are working on story board. On thursday we are going to make one scene. This scene will be created in the school, but the rest will be made outside. Our film is a horror. Now we cant tell anything more, because it is a sweet secret.
We hope to see you at the video conference. :)
Girls from Poland.
Regards :)
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Friday, 19 February 2010
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
News from Belgium
Hi, my name is Henry and I am from Belgium. My hobby is informatics and ICT. At school I study informatics and business training as main subjects.
I'm sorry I have to disappoint you, but I already have a girl friend. Her name is Ana she doesn't go to the same school as me.
Our school is named Sint-Vincentius Deinze, it counts about 600 students.
Everybody here likes the CATRi-project. The filming and making the script is a very nice opportunity to bring out all our creativity and ideas.
I work with 4 other students in my group and we try to make a Comedy-Action movie. We are going to film in Ghent, in the city center on the water.
I wonder if you in the other countries like CATRi too? We already had a filming workshop; we tried to experience some film effects. The result was not that good; most of the videos were bloopers. Our teachers are helping us out with answers at our questions and advice.
On the 27th of January we had a first day of filming. It was a good day to film. We took 2 scenes, only the indoor scenes. The outdoor scenes we are going to film in Ghent when the weather is better.
I end my blog writing here. I hope you could understand my text and enjoy reading it.
Now you know something about the team from Belgium.
Happy carnaval!
Henri from BelgiumWednesday, 3 February 2010
Sunday, 17 January 2010
I'm sure that you are very busy with the work at school. We also have a lot of things to do and we are doing our best to make everything work. I'm publishing the photos from our two video-conferences. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures from the thidr conference. we hope that next time we will have the opportunity to talk to someone from other countries: Italy, Hungary, Lithuania etc., what do you think????
Video-conference: 28th October 2009
with Portugal
Video-conference: 24th November 2009
with Belgium
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Happy 2010
We wish you all a heappy 2010 with a lot of joy and happiness.
We hope to meet you soon in a skype-meeting to tell us how the project is going on. We are still working on the script. This is more difficult than we thought. Next week we have a worksop how to learn to film.
Love from the frosen Belgian partners!
Monday, 30 November 2009
News from Lithuania
During October we were spreading information about the project and its results. Students watched CATRi films during English and Lithuanian lessons. Later they had discussions. Younger students liked Belgian film about a rabbit and terrorists.
At the moment we are busy with writing a script and we have taken some shoots of colourful autumn.
Best wishes
Monday, 23 November 2009
This is Belgium speaking!
First of all lovely greetings from the Belgian pupils.
A couple of weeks ago the CATRi-project has been introduced to us, and up until now we have learned soooooo many things about scripts, screenplays, pitchlines, ....
By the way how are you getting on with the project? Our teachers have sorted out which sort of pupils we are (like to work with the computer, good in English, teamleader, ...) and on the basis of that info we've been devided into little groups to create our own movy.
This week some of us will meet the Lithuanian and Polish students on skype. We look really forward to it!
Now we are at it what about you guys, love to hear from you!
Cold and rainy greetings from Belgium!